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Undeb Bangor

Yn Serendipity mae dros 90 o glybiau a chymdeithasau amrywiol a bywiog yn aros yn eiddgar i gyflwyno eu hunain i chi.

O dimau chwaraeon a chymdeithasau diwylliannol i grwpiau academaidd a phrosiectau gwirfoddoli sydd yr un mor angerddol am ddarparu profiadau cyfoethog i chi

Byddwch yn cael y cyfle i gysylltu â gweithwyr proffesiynol a chwmnïau allanol i archwilio interniaethau a rhagolygon swyddi cyffrous!

At Serendipity over 90 of our diverse and vibrant clubs and societies eagerly await to introduce themselves to you.

From sports teams and cultural societies to academic groups and volunteering projects that are equally passionate about providing you with enriching experiences

You'll have the opportunity to connect with professionals and external companies to explore internships and exciting job prospects!
